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Posted on:August 22, 2023 at 01:13 PM

Hey there, fellow Java enthusiasts! Get ready to put on your coding thinking caps because in today’s lecture, we’re diving deep into a technique that’s as thrilling as a rollercoaster ride – it’s all about currying! Imagine if coding were a gourmet pizza – currying is like crafting each delicious topping separately before assembling the ultimate slice of code perfection. Let’s explore the captivating realm of currying, where multi-parameter functions elegantly transform into a symphony of single-parameter functions.

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Decoding the Ingenious Technique of Currying:

So, what exactly is currying? Think of currying as your code’s version of LEGO blocks – taking a complex multi-parameter function and breaking it down into delightful single-parameter functions. It’s like building a tower of function blocks that fit together flawlessly. Take this function, for instance; it’s like a two-handed catch. But here comes currying – splitting this function into a dynamic duo of single-parameter functions that catch, one at a time!

Our Currying Playground:

Let’s step into our Java coding playground and create a function that will have you nodding in agreement. Meet “fun1” – a function with a side of currying magic. It takes a parameter and hands you another function, “fun2.” But this isn’t just a one-act play; fun2 eagerly awaits another parameter, “v,” and presto, it conjures up the sum of “u” and “v.” Magic at your fingertips!

import java.util.function.Function;

public class CurryingAdventures {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Integer>> fun1 = u -> v -> u + v;

        // Behold the magic
        Function<Integer, Integer> sumFunction = fun1.apply(1);
        System.out.println(sumFunction.apply(2));  // The magic number: Prints 3

        // And now, introducing the star of the show: Currying
        int magicSum = fun1.apply(1).apply(2);
        System.out.println(magicSum);  // It's a magical 3!

        // Time to Unleash Your Inner Magician
        Function<Integer, Integer> fixOne = fun1.apply(1);
        int sum1 = fixOne.apply(2);
        int sum2 = fixOne.apply(3);
        int sum3 = fixOne.apply(4);

        int totalMagic = sum1 + sum2 + sum3;
        System.out.println(totalMagic);  // Prepare to be amazed: Prints 9

Crafting with Currying:

As we embark on this coding adventure, we uncover the true essence of currying – it’s not just about transforming functions; it’s about crafting a toolkit of building blocks. Just like assembling LEGO bricks, you wield the power to arrange functions in ways that create elegant, flexible, and reusable code structures.

The Art of Partial Application: A Curried Delight!

But wait, there’s more! Currying doesn’t just stop at function transformation; it introduces us to the art of partial application. Imagine baking a cake – you prep the ingredients, and then you can focus on the icing or decorating. Similarly, with currying, you can lock in certain parameters, giving you the freedom to whip up delightful code compositions.


Bravo, fearless Java coders! Currying is the technique that transforms multi-parameter functions into a symphony of single-parameter functions, each playing its unique note. With currying, your code becomes a canvas for creativity, letting you create intricate code designs that are both organized and flexible. So, wield the magic of currying, let your coding symphony play on, and watch as your Java programs dance to the rhythm of elegance and functionality! 🎩🎵

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