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Factory Design Pattern vs Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Posted on:September 3, 2022 at 07:13 PM

Choosing the appropriate type of Factory design pattern, whether it’s Factory Method or Abstract Factory, depends on the specific needs and requirements of your application. Let’s discuss the advantages and scenarios where the Abstract Factory pattern is preferred over the Factory Method.

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Advantages of Abstract Factory over Factory Method:

Abstract Factory is designed to create families of related objects, ensuring that the created objects work together. This is particularly useful when you need to create multiple related objects, each belonging to a different category or type.

2. Enhanced Abstraction:

Abstract Factory adds an extra layer of abstraction. It allows you to create families of related products without specifying their concrete classes. This higher level of abstraction helps in managing complex object creation logic.

3. Dynamic Selection of Factories:

Abstract Factory can dynamically select the appropriate factory based on certain conditions. This allows for more dynamic and flexible object creation based on the requirements at runtime.

4. Ease of Change:

It makes it easier to change the entire family of products. If you need to switch from one family of products to another, you just need to switch the concrete factory, and the rest of the code using the factory remains unchanged.

5. Consistent Interfaces:

Abstract Factory ensures that the created objects follow a consistent interface within their families. This promotes a higher level of consistency and usability across different families of objects.

Scenarios Where Abstract Factory is Preferred:

When you need to create a set of related or dependent objects that work together, the Abstract Factory pattern is a suitable choice. For instance, creating different types of GUI components (buttons, menus, windows) for different operating systems.

2. Configurable Systems:

In systems where you want to allow the configuration of the types of objects being created, the Abstract Factory can be very useful. The factory can be configured to create objects based on the application’s needs or configurations.

3. Supporting Multiple Platforms:

If your application needs to support multiple platforms or environments and each requires a different set of objects, the Abstract Factory can be beneficial. For instance, creating platform-specific implementations for a mobile app that runs on both Android and iOS.

4. Plugin Architecture:

In applications following a plugin architecture, where different plugins might introduce new families of related objects, the Abstract Factory can help in creating these plugin-specific object families.


In summary, the Abstract Factory pattern is preferred when you need to create families of related objects in a flexible and abstract way, allowing for dynamic selection of families and supporting consistent interfaces across different families of objects. It’s all about providing a higher level of abstraction and flexibility in creating related sets of objects.