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Crafting Fluent Interfaces in Functional Programming

Posted on:August 25, 2023 at 01:13 PM

Greetings, fellow programmers! Welcome back to another enlightening coding journey. In today’s session, we’re diving headfirst into the world of fluent interfaces in functional programming. Prepare to be amazed as we explore an approach that not only enhances code readability but also flows as naturally as human language. We’re steering away from the traditional coding style and embracing the elegance of fluent interfaces that make your code feel like poetry.

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Unveiling Fluent Interfaces

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s shine a spotlight on the “Fluent Interface” pattern. While it might not be a member of the famous Gang of Four design patterns, it’s a gem that holds a special place in the realm of functional programming. The essence of a fluent interface lies in its readability – it’s like a conversation in code that’s easy to follow and understand. By employing this pattern, you can achieve code that’s nearly as expressive as human language.

Imagine a world where your code flows smoothly, where method calls blend seamlessly, and where the experience of coding is transformed into a linguistic masterpiece. The fluent interface is the bridge between code and human thought, offering an elegant alternative to traditional programming styles.

The Story of a Shopping Spree

Let’s dive into an example that illustrates the beauty of fluent interfaces – a shopping spree in the world of code. Imagine we have an API for adding and placing orders, and we’re going to weave the magic of fluent interfaces into it.

Meet the “Order” class – it holds the power to create orders, add items to the cart, set delivery addresses, and ultimately, place orders. While the original code structure isn’t wrong, we’re going to enhance it by introducing method chaining, allowing for more fluid and expressive code.

    private List<String> cart = new ArrayList<>();
    private String address = "";

    public Order() {


    public Order(List<String> cart, String address) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.address = address;

    public void add(String item) {
        System.out.println(item + " added to the cart");

    public void deliverAt(String location){
        this.address = location;
        System.out.println("The delivery address set by you is '"+location+"'");

    public static void place() {
        System.out.println("Order placed!");
        System.out.println(order.cart.size()+" items ordered by you will be delivered at "+order.address+" by tomorrow");
    Order myOrder = new Order();


Building a More Expressive Shopping Experience

In the code snippet, you’ll notice that we’re interacting with the Order object in a way that’s easy to follow, like a natural conversation. The magic lies in method chaining – by making methods return the object itself, we can chain method calls together, creating a seamless sequence of operations on a single object. This results in code that reads like a story, progressing step by step.

As you observe, we’re no longer repeating myOrder multiple times; instead, we chain methods together for a cleaner look. By returning the object itself, we create a streamlined flow that resembles a dialogue between the programmer and the code.

    private List<String> cart = new ArrayList<>();
    private String address = "";

    public Order() {


    public Order(List<String> cart, String address) {
        this.cart = cart;
        this.address = address;

    public Order add(String item) {
        System.out.println(item + " added to the cart");
        return new Order(this.cart, this.address);

    public Order deliverAt(String location){
        this.address = location;
        System.out.println("The delivery address set by you is '"+location+"'");
        return new Order(this.cart, this.address);

    public static void place(Function<Order, Order> function) {

        Order order = new Order();
        order = function.apply(order);
        System.out.println("Order placed!");
        System.out.println(order.cart.size()+" items ordered by you will be delivered at "+order.address+" by tomorrow");
    } ->

Elevating the Fluency: Let’s Go Deeper

But wait, there’s more! The true beauty of a fluent interface is that it can be taken a step further. Imagine if the order placement method could create an order object internally, allowing for a smoother experience. We redefine the place method as a static function that takes and returns an Order object, enhancing the fluidity of our code.

By doing this, we’re shaping our code into a conversation where each method call naturally leads to the next, culminating in a graceful finale.

Conclusion: The Elegance of Fluent Interfaces

Dear coding connoisseurs, the journey of crafting fluent interfaces is a transformational one. As we embrace this pattern, we’re not only creating code that’s efficient and expressive but also code that resonates with the spirit of human language. The secret lies in method chaining, in crafting interfaces that flow like poetry, and in creating experiences that are intuitive, elegant, and fluid.

As you embark on your coding adventures, remember that you now possess the art of crafting fluent interfaces at your fingertips. May your code be as expressive as your thoughts and as fluid as a conversation. Until next time, happy coding, and may your interfaces always speak the language of elegance! Farewell for now, and see you in the next enlightening lecture.

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